Distance Learning

Irish History At The Guild: 'Migration And The Irish Diaspora'

All CategoriesDistance Learning

Course synopsis

This twelve online course, delivered via Zoom on Wednesday afternoons, examines the travels of the Irish people beyond their national boundaries. It is sometimes suggested that historically - certainly prior to the Great Famine - the Irish were secluded and insular.  This is emphatically not the case. 

This course will introduce the story of Irish migration and emigration across the centuries, and will also look in detail at the Irish Diaspora - the communities of ex-patriot Irish around the world, their development and their influence on their homeland.

As the two-hour sessions are on Zoom, it is possible to record them for anyone who cannot attend all the classes; a weekly catch-up email is sent out with copies of the slides, and any other useful information. A WhatsApp group for the tutor's students is available to join, and is a useful space for informal conversation in between classes. 

Your tutor, Gill Rossini, is a highly experienced and published historian who has specialisation in the history of the 'Celtic nations'. For more details about the course, email gillrossini@outlook.com.

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About the teacher

Gill Rossini

Gill Rossini is a professional historian, writer and lecturer who specialises in researching the lives of the marginalised, the poor, and those who in the past were regarded...

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