Guild Events and Day Schools

A "Kaffeeklatsch" represents a get together between friends. Over a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of cake news are exchanged and discussed. It is a time to have a good catch-up. For the first time, the Guild will be offering an opportunity of this nature to learners of German who have achieved A2 level. We will be meeting...

A "Kaffeeklatsch" represents a get together between friends. Over a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of cake news are exchanged and discussed. It is a time to have a good catch-up. For the first time, the Guild will be offering an opportunity of this nature to learners of German who have achieved A2 level. We will be meeting...

A "Kaffeeklatsch" represents a get together between friends. Over a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of cake news are exchanged and discussed. It is a time to have a good catch-up. For the first time, the Guild will be offering an opportunity of this nature to learners of German who have achieved A2 level. We will be meeting...

This one day workshop will explore an Italian film while practising the language. The viewing of the film will be in fact accompanied by activities devised to comment on the film in an interactive way. Intermediate level at least required, but everybody is welcome. (Film with subtitles in English or...

This one day workshop will explore an Italian film while practising the language. The viewing of the film will be in fact accompanied by activities devised to comment on the film in an interactive way. Intermediate level at least required, but everybody is welcome. (Film with subtitles in English or Italian)Film details will appear here soon, keep checking back.

This one day workshop will explore an Italian film while practising the language. The viewing of the film will be in fact accompanied by activities devised to comment on the film in an interactive way. Intermediate level at least required, but everybody is welcome. (Film with subtitles in English or...

This one day workshop will explore an Italian film while practising the language. The viewing of the film will be in fact accompanied by activities devised to comment on the film in an interactive way. Intermediate level at least required, but everybody is welcome. (Film with subtitles in English or Italian)Film details will appear here soon, keep checking back.

This one day workshop will explore an Italian film while practising the language. The viewing of the film will be in fact accompanied by activities devised to comment on the film in an interactive way. Intermediate level at least required, but everybody is welcome. (Film with subtitles in English or...

This one day workshop will explore an Italian film while practising the language. The viewing of the film will be in fact accompanied by activities devised to comment on the film in an interactive way. Intermediate level at least required, but everybody is welcome. (Film with subtitles in English or Italian)Film details will appear here soon, keep checking back.